Sunday, September 19, 2010

The statue of Khafre

The statue of Khafre is found in the valley temple of Khafre in Giza. This statue was quite interesting to me when reading and talking about it in class. The first thing that stuck out to me was the color of the statue. The statue is of the pharoh Khafre and is made of a unique stone that is similar to diorite. When the sun hits the stone it gives the eye a surprise of making the statue have a blue glow. Pharohs were considered divine so the play that the light has on the statue ends up showing that divinity with the glow that illuminates from it. Another interesting about the statue is that sitting behind Khafre's head is Horus, the falcon god. Horus is shown as protecting Khafre by sitting behind him and looking over him protectively. Along the side of the throne that Khafre sits on we see Lions which are to symbolize his power as Pharoh, along with lotus and papyrus that show his rule in both Lower and Upper Egypt. Khafre is wearing the outfit of a pharoh and his arms are close in with the rest of his body. The features on him aren't very detailed and yet stylized like we talked about in class. At the time, the people sculpting were very much into making lifelike figures that you could walk all the way around if you wanted to and this statue is a prime example of it.    

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